Let me step on my soap box on the irony of life. I have worked hard my whole life. Good grades, after school activities, volunteering for the community and have worked every day since I turned sixteen. I wasn't a party person in high school or college because I worked my ass off. I have done anything and everything to be responsible and have taken every step to make my life easier as I get older. I didn't want to struggle the same struggles my parents did being broke and having kids young. Now I feel like I am being punished for working hard. Me and millions of college grads. I worked to get into the college of my dreams and worked all through college because mommy and daddy couldn't pay for me.
In being responsible, I now am $30,000 in debt. On top of that, I moved out of my mom's house when I was 18 years old. It pisses me off more than you can imagine seeing trust fund babies and kids who fucked around their whole life with great jobs, no debt who go on vacation every 2 months.
Do I have to suffer for the rest of my life because my parents struggled and couldn't get me off to a debt free start, or because I decided to go to college instead of getting some shitty customer service job right out of high school?
In my heart of hearts, I know that one day I will be comfortable. I believe it with every bone in my body. But I am so freaking TIRED of living less than pay check to paycheck and working as hard as I do. When will I get my big break?
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