Wednesday, December 18, 2013

If I wrote a book what would it be about?

Since really diving into this blogging thing, it got me thinking....Would I ever want to write a book? COULD I write a book? What would I write about?

I'm a pretty laid back person and I'm young. I don't know that I have enough life experiences to really write hundreds of pages of anything. I struggled with 1,000 word papers in school, but there are some quirky people I surround myself with. I could definitely write a book of short stories about the people who surround me or a novel based on real life scenarios.

I could write about my life in the fashion world and the never ending antics of me and my BFF. I could write about this crazy little thing called love-like one of those real life mom-stories that tell you the truth and not the fairy tale.

I could write about my friends never ending awful relationship issues, everything from abusive boys to year long dry spells and the hilarity when one of your sheltered friends learns something new about sex. I could write about my crazy parents and family.

I really probably could write about anything....or I can keep it short and blog it all out...and when I'm old, I'll finally write out my memoir.

1 comment:

  1. Or make up something Alice in Wonderland-ish... probably based on real life characters. Sorry like Wizard of Oz.
